System Tab
Active Schedules
See section: - Active Schedules View
Device Status View
The Device Status view is shown below in the following screen shot. The view shows a list of the devices in the system. Under each device is shown an indented list of device locations and current operations that are running on a device.
The Device States screen shot shows a few of the devices in the system. The top most device is called VSpin_RepCell and has one location called VSpin_RepCell_1. The following image shows this device only:
As can be seen from the screen shot, each device has icons next to the device and location names. These icons, together with text give the states of each device and device location.
Device Status Icons
Used to identify a device/instrument
Used to identify an unoccupied device location
Used to identify an occupied device location. Following the name of the device location the object information will also be shown, such as the object type, barcode and associated schedule
This icon, if shown next to a device or robot indicates that a device is initialized. If a half icon such as this is shown:
this indicates that the device is currently initializing.
Used to indicate a robot device (versus a regular device/instrument). Robots have additional features exposed via the UI such as the ability to move labware objects.
Used to indicate that a device or location is claimed. The claimer of the resource will be indicated by a textual message after the resource name. Using the icons it is possible to deduce the following from the following screen shot:
- Both devices “VSpin_RepCell” and “Cytomat24_RepCell_37C” are initialized
- There is an object at the location named “VSpin_RepCell_1” and the location is claimed. The object is a “CompoundPlate” with barcode “14” and is from an execution of schedule named “EchoDemoCompound”
Device Status Actions
The user can perform a number of actions via the Device Status view by right clicking on the resources listed in the view. A context menu is shown in response to a right click, as shown in the following screen shot.
Depending on the status of the resource that was clicked, and also on which resource type is clicked from the Device Status list only appropriate buttons from the context menu will be enabled (inappropriate buttons will be grayed out). The context menu contains the following actions:
- Initialise – initialize a device
- Uninitialise – uninitialise a device
- Reinitialise – reinitialise a device
- Invoke Operation – allows the user to manually invoke a device operation. Revolution will show a dialog to allow the user to enter any required device operation parameters
- Place Object – allows the user to manually place a labware object such as a plate/rack/tube at a selected location. The object can either be a new instance, or an existing instance as selected from the database by barcode
- Remove Object – allows the user to remove an object from a selected location. IE clear the location
- Remove All Objects – allows the user to remove all objects from all device locations.
- Read barcode with robot and replace – This option is available if a location with an object is clicked. The robot will be used to pick the robot and use the barcode reader to confirm the barcode on the plate. This option is useful when entering a work cell is not possible but the user wishes to confirm or read a barcode of a plate in the system.
- Transfer – used to transfer a labware object to another location.
- Force claim release – used to force the release of a claim on a resource. This can be required if a schedule is manually aborted. Before releasing any resource claims it is important to physically remove object/plates from the given location.
- Toggle Enabled – used to allow the user to enable or disable device locations. Disabled device locations will not be used in schedules. This offers a simple way of temporarily removing locations from a system.
Core Config
This tab contains core Revolution configuration data such as the
- paths to the XML configuration files for the current system
- system parameter data.
- SMTP email configuration
SMTP Configuration
To allow Revolution to send notifications of errors and schedule completion it is necessary to configure the SMTP client settings as follows:
- SMTP Host: Host name or IP address of the SMTP server
- SMTP Port: TCP port of the SMTP server, leave blank to use default port
- SMTP Username: username of the SMTP server is auth is to be used
- SMTP Password: password of the SMTP server is auth is to be used
- SMTP Timeout: timeout if required
- SMTP use SSL: If the server expects SSL or not
- From email address: The “from” email address
- Recipient Emails list: 1 - N email addresses that will be sent emails.