Searching System Configuration
The system configuration can be searched by clicking on either the menu Search | Search for Term item OR by use of the Search toolbar button.
Selecting “search for term” shows the following dialog:

The user can search for a term, both case sensitive or insensitive and can choose to include or exclude different parts of the system configuration as shown.
Search results are shown in the Search Results
tool window at the bottom left of the application interface.
See the following screen shot which shows the results of a search for term cytomat.
The results show that several results where found. Each result is shown with an icon that indicates in what part of the system configuration that the search result was found.
The example screen shot shows that several device and store names contain the phrase cytomat and that two schedule operations also include the phrase due to transfers to stores with names that contain the phrase.

Searching For Specific Labware
Labware objects can be searched for by clicking the following icon on the main toolbar:
The user can enter an object barcode in a dialog and any objects with matching barcodes will be shown in the results window as shown in the following screen shot.